Sudoku Jigsaw Sudoku Killer Sudoku Samurai Sudoku Jigsaw Samurai Sudoku Kakuro Masyu Hitori Nurikabe Hanidoku
Sudoku Jigsaw Killer Samurai Jig Samurai Kakuro Masyu Hitori Nurikabe Hanidoku

Some Stats on Solving Times in the Daily Competitions - Updated!

This page shows some data for solving sudokus and jigsaw sudokus over a 160 day period (6th March to 18th August). All the time bands shown refer to these bands:
<=5, <=10, <=15, <=20, <=30, <=40, <=50, <=60, <=120, >120 minutes
We have ignored all "Don't Know" selections and incorrect answers.
There is a thread open in the forum for your comments and feedback: here.

Graph 1. This shows the total number of correct solutions in each time band for Sudokus. For the Daily Sudoku Competition there more moderate puzzles per week than others which gives moderates the biggest total line.

Graph 2. This shows the total number of correct solutions in each time band for Jigsaw Sudokus. For the Daily Jigsaw Competition there more gentles puzzles per week than others which gives gentles the biggest total line.
Graph 3 and 4. The Average Time to Solve is published on the solutions in the archive. These two graphs show these numbers coloured by grade. By this measure most gradings have been sucessful. Tough Sudokus show the most amount of variation and bleeding into other bands. Something for us to watch.
Graph 5 and 6. This is the normalised graph for Sudoku time bands. Normalised means we're turned the numbers into percentages. From this we can smooth out the different quantities of grades to properly compare them. Gentle and diabiolicals are certainly shown to be different but it looks like moderates and tough puzzles need to be more differentiated in the grading algorithm.
Graph 7 and 8. This is the normalised graphs for Jigsaws. Moderate and Tough appear to have similar time profiles.

There is a thread open in the forum for your comments and feedback: COMMENTS.
